Landscape Design
Landscape Design, Landscape Planning, Masterplanning, Urban design are a few of the titles that come under this heading. With Landscape projects the workload is always varied and there are very many different kinds of output required, eg. Visual Impact Assessments, Landscape Analysis, Masterplans, Detailed plans, Illustrations, Paving Plans, Planting plans, Lighting Plans, Accessibility Plans, Urban Design Strategies, Feasibility studies, etc…
Landscape Design can also be categorised into type headings, such as Commercial, Residential, Education, Private, Spiritual, Religious, etc.. Working within each of these areas, one builds up a lot of knowledge and understanding of the various complexities of the specific fields of work and their relationships with the Landscape. Therefore having previous experience within each area is of huge benefit to the client.
Dave has experience in all of these areas and examples of his current work load include: two cemetery projects in Limerick; The School extension at Parteen, where Dave has designed the outdoor environment; and the outdoor activity area for Kilorglin Family Resource Centre. Dave has been involved with many projects over the past decade and more, please feel free to browse the Portfolio page to see more specific information. Other previous projects include: Shopping Centre Layouts, Noise Barriers, Industrial Landscape Design and very many Planting schemes.